Thursday, December 22, 2016

Law vs Lie (Laws #1-21)


  1. Thank you my Sister for sharing this study with us. I have asking this question from others since I have recently come into the truth, but have yet to get an answer. I pray for your strength/voice to continue with this teaching series. Thank you again. Shalom

  2. You are very welcome, I will do my best to continue in this work. It is ongoing and tedious but well worth it. Shalom.

  3. Shabbat Shalom...thank you for sharing...very detailed and helpful

  4. R.O.C
    Thank you so much for your informative videos and teaching. I wanted to gain more understanding regarding the laws against men shaving their face and head--God bless

  5. R.O.C
    Thank you very much I have been praying for understanding and knowledge of the truth I have a son who is deaf and I was wondering if you could possibly use closed captioning or sign Language so I can send this informative videos thank you so much GOD bless

  6. I think that if the "Christian Church" would teach the Law of Yah, Bylaws, written by men would not be necessary.
