Friday, October 7, 2011

The Perversion of the NIV Bible

Harper Collins is the owner of the publishing company Zondervan. His most popular release is the New International Version of the Bible (NIV). Did you know that Harper Collins also publishes The Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex? Strangely enough, many believers don’t have a problem with this. If you are reading this you may change your mind by the end of this posting. I recently wrote about my discovery of this truth and my decision to throw away my NIV bible, which I’ve had for over 10 years. The Messiah taught that a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit so how can the corrupt mind and heart of a man run a publishing company that is not corrupt? How can a corrupt publishing company release a text that is not corrupt? It’s enough that Zondervan released other books that are not in line with the holiness of the Word of Elohim. But if this bit of information isn’t enough to convince you that you should throw your NIV Bible’s in the trash and never study from or teach from them ever again, I’ve provided a list of perverted scriptures below. Below is a list of about 43 scriptures that have either been changed by the NIV publisher or completely removed, quite possibly to cause readers to turn away from what is moral and holy to Yahuah.

One more thing. For those of you who want to turn to the New KJV, be warned. Although this list of scriptures have not been perverted in the New KJV Bible, the New KJV has removed Jer. 14:2. Many of you may already know this is the scripture that claims Judah to be “Black unto the ground.” This is a very important scripture to me as it helps to identify Israel. Removal of this scripture tells me the publisher had an issue with the truth of Israel’s identity and has taken part in the conspiracy to hide the truth of our heritage, just as our ancestor’s slave masters have. So, guess what book is next to be thrown in the trash can? It appears every time a version of the Bible is released a scripture is removed from it. For this reason I’ve chosen to stick with the 1611 KJV Bible.

Perverted Scriptures

Is 14:12 Replaced the Messiah with Lucifer as the one fallen from heaven, calling Lucifer the morning star.
Matt. 17:21 Removed (refers to the casting out of demons)
Matt. 18:11 Removed (interpretation of a parable)
Mark 7:16 Removed
Mark 9:44 Removed (regarding a hell experience)
Mark 9:46 Removed (regarding a hell experience)
Mark 11:26 Removed (regarding forgiveness)
Mark 15:28 Removed (regarding the crucifixion)
Matt. 23:14 Removed (regarding false teachers)
Luke 17:36 Removed
Luke 23:17 Removed
John 5:34 Removed (regarding the Israelites)
Matt. 6:9-13 Removed (regarding the Lord’s Prayer and the power of Yahweh forever)
Jer. 14:2 Removed (regarding blackness of the Israelites)
Acts 8:37 Removed (regarding the Messiah, son of Yahuah)
Acts 15:34 Removed
Acts 24:7 Removed
Acts 28:29 Removed
Rom. 16:24 Removed
1 Jn. 5:7-8 Partially Removed (appears as if earth, spirit and water are in heaven rather than earth, possible satanic influence)
Matt. 6:13 Partially Removed
Matt. 19:9 Partially Removed
Matt. 20:7 Partially Removed
Matt. 20:16 Partially Removed (regarding many being called but few being chosen)
Matt. 20:22 Partially Removed
Matt. 25:13 Partially Removed
Matt. 27:35 Partially Removed
Mark 6:11 Partially Removed
Mark 10:21 Partially Removed

More scriptures include…………..
Luke 4:4
Luke 4:8
Luke 4:18
Luke 11:2-4
John 1:27
John 3:13
John 3:15
John 11:14
John 6:16
Acts 10:6
Acts 15:18
Acts 20:24
Rom. 8:1
Rom. 13:9

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