Saturday, February 11, 2017

Law vs Lie (Laws #128-175) Forbidden Relationships, Laws of Women Mixe...

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure if the below laws can be observed today –
    #129...appointed Elders? Can Elders be appointed according to the Bible today? I not sure. I know there are "Elders" in the Christian Church. I guess it would be the same (?)
    #131...A biblical court structure is not present today.
    #134 & 135...Shekels are not used today, at least not in the Western Hemisphere that I know of. What monetary unit equates to a shekel? Would we be sinning to use anything other than a Shekel to make payment (50 shekels/100 shekels of silver? Who would the money be paid to? we do not have a priest to execute these instructions
    #163...Unknown people today- Mobites/Ammonite
    #165...Same as #163
    #170...Levites/High priest unknown- biblical structure not present today.
    #171... Same as #170
    #172, #173, and #174
    Am I over thinking this(?)
